Looking Forward

To be honest I have not set goals at the start of the new year because a school new year is in August. But this year after reflecting on my classroom over the Christmas break I decided to set some goals.  I saw a post that PreK Partner created in December that I wanted to link up with but was too late to the party. I decided to post anyway and link you to her page http://www.prekpartner.com/ for more ideas. 

Last week the students started school on Wednesday, January 4. I used these 3 days to get my students acclimated to the new schedule and readjusted to structure after 18 days at home.  So this week I will start off with regular instruction. 
Two new things new things I will try in my classroom 
1. Predictable Writing Charts to help develop location and meaning of core, concepts about print, print awareness and fine motor skills.
2. GoNoodle use GoNoodle to get students to work on motor imitation. 

One thing I will change 
1. Independent Work Stations. I don't use them daily because they are not user friendly. If it is not easy for myself or my staff to use and access then it is not easy for the students to use and be successful. I need to tweek these areas to implement them with fidelity.

One successful thing I will continue to do
1. Small group rotation.

Seven tips and tricks I'd like to share with fellow teachers:

1. Classroom management.
2. Ways to determine the cause of behavior.
3. The importance of lesson planning.
4. Paraprofessionals.
5. Organization tools and resources.
6. Routines for students.
7. Student learning rotations.

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